About the Red Poll Cattle Society
The Society operates through a Council which is responsible for the promotion of the Red Poll breed in general and in particular to maintain the beef and milking qualities of the breed thus adding value to the membership.
Council has defined its role by passing the following resolution:
The Council of the Red Poll Cattle Society recognizes that there are a variety of valid herd objectives amongst its members and a number of strategies to meet those objectives. Council confirms it is not its role to promote any one objective or strategy but to support all its members with such assistance as they may require. Council further recognizes that it should encourage the use of Red Poll cattle and the resulting product so as to expand the overall market.
The Council does this in the following ways:
The Secretary,
Ray Bowler, is responsible for the administration of the Society as to
membership, registrations, transfers, semen & stock sales and stock
required. He will also co-ordinate the Regional Field Officer system. Ray is happy to answer any queries that members or potential members may
have and can be contacted on 01245 600032 or secretary@redpoll.co.uk.
Booker has been appointed Treasurer and will carry out the day-to-day
financial work from 52 Border Cot Lane, Wickham Market, Woodbridge,
Suffolk, IP13 0EZ (01728 746959 terina.booker@btinternet.com). All payments should be sent to Terina with immediate effect. Invoices
will now carry the new address and information for BACS payments if
members wish to use that system.
The Society has appointed Regional Field Officers and Ray Bowler, the Secretary, will co-ordinate the system. RFOs are
happy to visit members, if requested, to hellp with advice on their
herds but in those circumstances travelling expenses will be members'
responsibility. If the RFOs visit members as part of their duties no
travelling expenses will be payable by members.
If you wish to buy or sell cattle, please contact Ray Bowler, the Secretary, on 01245 600032 secretary@redpoll.co.uk,
who will then pass the details to the relevant RFO and to Terina
Booker, Secretary to Council, if you wish the details to be placed on
the website.
A commission of 2.5% is payable by vendors to the
Society for all cattle sales posted on the website or via Regional Field
Officers. Purchasers can request inspection of cattle on their behalf
by their Regional Field Officer, at the cost of the RFO's travelling
Registrations of calves cannot be done via the website at the moment. Contact Ray Bowler, the Secretary, on 01245 600032 secretary@redpoll.co.uk for information.
The Secretary to Council, Terina Booker, manages the website. She can be contacted on 01728 746959 terina.booker@btinternet.com