RPCS Herd Competition
48 Mayfield Road
Writtle, Chelmsford,
Essex, CM1 3EL
01245 600032
Dear Member.
It’s that time of year again when hopefully the Herd Competition comes into your minds. This is an ideal opportunity to get involved with the Society. We hope that we have as good as entry as in the past and strongly encourage everyone to enter.Attached is this year’s Herd Competition entry form. Please enter the main competition and as many of the additional classes as are relevant to you. Please make sure you have completed the form in full and chosen your animals for individual classes. Also remember that classes 1 & 2 make up the Herd Competition the other classes are optional but we hope you will enter as many as possible and if you wish enter multiple animals in classes.
Main competition
Large Herd or Small Herd = £25.00
Individual classes = £3.00 each.
All entries need to be returned by 7th June please. Please note this doesn’t give you much time to enter so please complete your entry forms promptly.
Judges for this year are:
Midlands – Paul Grainger, Capel Manor Herd. Society Council member
Northern – Mark Martin, Lawford Herd and Society Chairman.
Eastern – Anne-Marie Hamilton, Ex Shuttleworth Herd. Society Finance Officer.
Southern –Sarah Barnes, Hopeham Herd. Society Council member
National – Andrew Blenkiron, Ex Grafton Herd. Society President.
Judging will take place during the first 2 weeks of July. Once entries are in the judges will contact you to arrange their inspection visits. National judging will take place in early August.
Can I please remind that those of you who have trophies from the 2023 competition to ensure they are engraved and that arrangements will be made to ensure they are present at the relevant presentation events later in the year. Details of these will be made available when the results are known.
Midlands competition entrants please return completed forms to:-Joy Broughton, 17 Castle Street, Marsh Gibbon, Bicester, Oxon. OX27 0HJ 07961 428431 / zulu623@gmail.com
Northern competition entrants please return completed forms to:-Ray Bowler, 48 Mayfield Road, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 3EL. 01245 600032 / 07906 761206 / secretary@redpoll.uk
Eastern competition entrants please return completed forms to:-Ray Bowler, 48 Mayfield Road, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 3EL. 01245 600032 / 07906 761206 / secretary@redpoll.uk
South, Mid West & South West competition entrants please return completed forms to:- Ray Bowler, 48 Mayfield Road, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 3EL. 01245 600032 / 07906 761206 / secretary@redpoll.uk
“The Clive Wills Memorial Trophy” will be awarded to the best herd in the Southern Area Herd Competition which resides in Cornwall or Devon. This is a substantial trophy which it is hoped will be greatly acknowledged by members in those counties. It will be presented at the area presentation day.
If you have any queries at all, or not sure which area you are in, then please don’t hesitate to call the office, I am there to help in any way I can. We look forward to receiving your entries, and having a great competition.
Best wishes, Ray Bowler, Society Secretary
Competion entry form available at 'About Us' - Forms